Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Summer Party at Christopher Leege's

Christopher Leege and his amazing girlfriend Larisa are having a summer Luau party this Saturday!

Christopher Leege
Christopher Leege's Luau in Charlotte

 We've got nearly everything covered!  From Leis to Hula Hoops and tiki torches galore.  This will be one party in Charlotte to remember!

Hele mei hoohiwahiw! | "Come celebrate"

Summer is here and we need to break out the leis and grass skirts...
It's hula time!

Bring Hawaiian/Luau inspired food: We will have food available, but feel free to bring some Hawaiian/Luau inspired food to share. I will have the BBQ available, if anyone wants to bring something to grill. Below are some ideas of where to find Hawaiian foods. Feel free to share what you are bringing in your comments.

Something to drinks: I will have some mango Mai Tai and soda. Whatever else you want - please bring it.

Dress up if you want: Hawaiian shirts, patterns, leis, coconuts, grass skirts... I will also probably have some extras of leis and we will do a tacky Hawaiian t-shirt contest. If you want a real flower leis; you can order one from:

Hawaiian Music: I will have some traditional Hawaiian music and then we can change to dance music later if we want. Or play games... If anyone can hulu or dance with fire; let me know. :)

Traditional Hawaiian Luau Foods - Compiled by Christopher Leege

Haupia is a coconut pudding.
Kaulolo is a taro pudding.
Laulau are bundles of meat and fish wrapped in tea leaves.
Liliko'i is a passion fruit. The juice is often used in the preparation of sauces and desserts.
Lomi Lomi is a salad of tomatoes, onions, chili peppers and salted fish, usually salmon.
Papaya is a widely available fruit.
Pineapple is a widely available fruit.
Poi consists of taro roots cooked and smashed into a paste. It's very popular in Hawaii to simply buy poi already prepared - often in a can.
Poke is chopped raw fish (often skipjack or yellowfin tuna) sprinkled with Hawaiian salt, ground kukui nuts and limu (seaweed).

Friday, June 7, 2013

ChristopherLeege.Com Launched!

It seems that nowadays,everybody needs to have some sort of professional summary of their career online. What better way to this than post an online resume? Well, follow the link to Chris Leege's own online resume!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Chris Leege's page

Charlotte PhotoShoot

Lately I've been working heavily on my side business, my passion: photography.  You can find some more information about us at Facebook: CharlottePhotoShoot.

Don't forget to like the page!

All the best to all,
Chris Leege

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Spring Cleaning

Its amazing how much stuff one accumulates over the course of a year.  Well, as the cliche goes, its time for SPRING CLEANING!  Chris Leege is at hard core!  Maybe I should call it summer cleaning since spring did start some time ago no?

Check out Martha's list of must do's for Spring Cleaning here.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

A long time ago

Back when I was barely 20 (and not racing towards 30!)  I was lucky enough to be chosen by the CSCMP for their internship and scholarship.

You can find out more about it here.

Thanks for reading!
-Chris Leege

Branding Yourself

So, I've been told it's time to create a web presence. I'm not much of a writer or blogger, nor do I keep a personal journal. I have, however, stumbled upon an interesting site to help me keep track of all my online activities.  It's called brandyourself.  You can find mine here or here.

There's not too much content there yet, but I'll be updating it as frequently as time allows.

Have a great day!

-Chris Leege